In cooperation with SYNLAB laboratories, determinations from blood and urine.
Price: 1 494 CZK

Anyone who plays sports, whether recreationally or professionally, will surely say that nutrition plays an important role for them. The healthy athlete package will open the way for you and help you find out what your body lacks or what is in excess in terms of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins.
Tests in the package
Blood count LDL cholesterol Mg
Uric acid HDL cholesterol Ionized Ca
Creatinine Triacylglycerols Iron
ALT Glucose Ferritin
AST Glycated hemoglobin Vitamin D
CK TSH Urine - chemical analysis
Total bilirubin CRP Urin sediment
Cholesterol Myoglobin


  1. You will receive from me by e-mail your request for collection in the laboratory.
  2. You will come to the laboratory for collection as a self-payer, so you pay directly to the collection laboratory at the collection point.
  3. We will arrange a consultation date.
  4. According to the laboratory results, I will recommend suitable foods for the consultation and we will compile a basic menu.


  • Urine tubes are available at the collection point.
  • Women who have a menstrual cycle must go for collection up to 3 days after the cycle.
  • Come to the collection on an empty stomach, you should not eat for about 12 hours before the collection.
  • Avoid fatty foods and alcohol the night before the test.In the morning before sampling, do not smoke, drink a sufficient amount of water (1/4 liter of water or unsweetened tea).